Sunny Veggie


8 Tremendous Veggies to Grow in Pots – Sunny Veggie

Living in urban or suburban areas has numerous benefits, but this imposes a significant disadvantage for gardeners: a shortage of space. Also, the people who live in rural areas and own small pieces of land experience the same problem.

If you are a gardener and fall into any of these two categories, the space shortage obstructs your passion for growing veggies. So, what is the resolution here? I propose growing your favourite veggies in the containers. But which veggies should go in containers?

Well, you can incorporate this personalized listing of 8 tremendous veggies to grow in pots. Let’s check those in detail.

Why Grow Sunny Veggies in Pots

Besides the space shortage, several other reasons can direct you to go for growing veggies in the containers. The following are the reasons.

  • Growing vegetables in pots triggers portability. The enhanced portability allows you to enjoy the associated flexibility in space arrangement. You can even hang the pots to save space.
  • Plantation in the pots means you must take care of specific soil contents. It offers you greater control of soil quality, demanding less effort and time.
  • The container plantation is also highly effective for pest and disease control.
  • Sunny vegetable cultivation offers you an extended growing season. 
  • The sunny veggies in the pots complement the overall aesthetics of your house.

8 Tremendous Veggies to Grow in Pots

The following is my personal selection of easy-to-grow sunny veggies in pots.


Basil is a highly popular sunny veggie to grow in pots. You can grow basil in any container with an adequate drainage facility. If you are going for a DIY approach for the container arrangement, create a few tiny holes at the bottom part of the pot. 

Basil grow in pots

I must inform you that even though basil falls in the sunny veggie category, it is susceptible to the high heat of the sunlight. So, feed it sunny in the morning and keep it in a shaded area when the intensity of sunlight is very high.

Pro Tips

  • Plan basil by maintaining a minimum of 8-inch plant-to-plant distance.
  • Feed the basil plants 4-7 hours of sunlight.
  • Start harvesting each day when the plants reach 6 inches to boost their growth.


Tomatoes are another lucrative sunny veggie to grow in pots. I prefer its variety of Patio,’ ‘Tiny Tim,’ and ‘Bush Early Girl’ to grow in pots. If you are going for a dwarf version of tomatoes, I highly recommend ‘Balcony’ or ‘Micro-Tom.’ 

Tomatoes grow in pots

Now, regarding caring for the plants, you have to do regular deep watering. Also, keep the plants in direct sunlight contact for at least 6 hours per day.

Pro Tips

  • Use rich soil mix and case organic fertilizers once every three weeks.
  • Depending on the variety to select, install an appropriate support structure.
  • Remove the deadhead flowers regularly.
  • Incorporate mulching at the base of the plant to keep the soil moist.


The most suitable varieties to grow peppers in pots are ‘Mini Bell,’ ‘Lipstick,’ or ‘Lunchbox.’ Also, if you want the pepper plants to improve the house décor’s visual appeal, you can go for ‘Black Pearl’ or ‘Numex Twilight.’ 

Peppers grow in pots

However, in the case of growing pepper in pots, I recommend you arrange clay pots with an effective drainage solution. On top of that, the pot size is also a crucial factor here, as the peppers need good root space. In general, a pot of 12 inches in diameter and 10 inches deep is an ideal requirement.

Pro Tips

  • Feed the pepper plants 6-8 hours of sunlight.
  • Daily harvesting is advised to boost the plants’ health.
  • You must restrict water logging.


Growing lettuce in pots provides you easy access to fresh veggies. Also, it is considered a highly space-efficient approach to get fresh veggies while generating a vegetable source quickly. 

Lettuce grow in pots

For your convenience, I want to inform you that a 12-inch pot is suitable enough to grow 3-5 lettuce plants. Finally, you are not required to apply fertilizer to the lettuce plants regularly.

Pro Tips

  • Sow lettuce seeds every month to maintain a continuous supply of this fresh vegetable.
  • Some varieties of lettuce cannot tolerate direct sunlight. So, if you plant those varieties, incorporate shaded space.


To grow cucumbers in pots, you must arrange large pots with holes for the drainage. I suggest you choose a pot with 18-inch diameter and 20-inch depth. 

Cucumbers grow in pots

Another core concern is the installation of a support structure to grow cucumbers in pots, as the cucumbers fall into the vining category. Additionally, you need to apply fertilizers once every two weeks.

Pro Tips

  • I suggest you go for “bush” or “patio” varieties to grow in the container.
  • Extract the dead and weak leaves regularly to facilitate better air circulation within the bush, which is essential for pollination.
  • Do mulching at the plant base to keep the environment moist.


The eggplant is the most suitable vegetable for preparing a full-fledged main dish in this list. Due to the associated heavy root arrangement, you need a 5-gallon bucket to grow the plant. 

Eggplants grow in pots

Also, the container must be equipped with an excellent drainage facility to protect the roots from damage. However, I prefer to grow eggplant varieties of  “Black Beauty” or “Little Sicily” due to the associated compact size.

Pro Tips

  • It is better to mulch around the base to ensure the retention of appropriate moisture levels.
  • If you notice a poor fruit set, go for hand pollination to get a good harvest.


Carrots are my personal favorite when it comes to growing a sunny veggie in pots. This veggie not only offers a fresh vegetable source but also the vibrant colour of the fruits, which enhances the visual appeal of the space. 

Carrots grow in pots

To grow carrots in pots, you have to arrange large size pots: at least 12 inches tall and 15 inches deep. Again, you have to fill the pot with loose soil with adequate drainage capability.

Pro Tips

  • Feed the carrot plants with a minimum of 6 hours of sunlight per day.
  • Sow the seeds in the pot by maintaining a 2-inch seed-to-seed distance.
  • My preferred varieties to cultivate carrots in pots are ‘Parisian Market’ or ‘Red Cored Chantenay.’

Green Onions

The most amazing thing about growing green onions in pots is that they provide you with a consistent source of fresh vegetables. Also, you can put a little effort into growing green onions. 

Green onions grow in pots

All you need is water regularly to keep the soil moist, especially when the weather is substantially hot. In the maintenance process, you have to extract the yellow leaves and thin the plants to prevent overcrowding.

Pro Tips

  • It is better to use pots that are more than 6 inches deep.
  • Add compost to the soil mix.

Final Thoughts

I am certain that you will find my elaborated listing of 8 tremendous veggies to grow in pots substantially beneficial. All the mentioned veggies are my favourites, allowing me to have a full set of fresh vegetable sources. 

However, you can also go for other sunny veggies, like spinach, radishes, etc., to grow in pots. Lastly, you must consider the intensity of heat during the sunny days in your area while selecting the veggie type.

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